Big Kyle's Blog
Just another super sweet blog

Slimbox is Awesome

In my WDMD 346 class we have to make a website for our final project, which is actually really interesting because we are using the CMS Joomla to make it.  As I use Joomla more and more I enjoy it more and more.  There are tons of extensions for Joomla including calendars, forum creators, security enforcers, and photo gallerys.  Which brings me to my main reason for posting:  the Slimbox extension.  Slimbox is a photo gallery extension that is really easy to use and also looks really sleek on a website.  The best part about slimbox is that it shows little thumbnails of pictures on the website which expand to full size images when you click on them.  Once you click on them the background turns black and the only thing lit up is your image, which creates a focus and a really neat experience.  One of the coolest things about it is that once your in the viewer you can click next to stay in the viewer and rotate pictures.  It’s not difficult to install or setup and it’s free.  You can get Slimbox here.  You can see an example of slimbox in use below (that’s my actual website I’m making).

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